Past Productions

August 2022

James and the Giant Peach

The Miller Centre, Caterham

I played the lead role of James in the Caterham Young Players production of James and the Giant Peach.

This was an intense six-week rehearsal and line-learning process, done in my own time in the evenings.

I also helped design and build the props and costumes.

March 2022

Goodnight Mister Tom

The Miller Centre, Caterham

I played a significant part as George Fletcher, a bully of the protagonist.

This was a mixed adult-children production by the Miller Centre Players, Caterham.

The rehearsal time spread over three months, requiring two-to-three nights a week for over two months, all done outside of my school curriculum.

The play ran for nine nights, selling out most evenings.

July 2019

Twelfth Night

The Miller Centre, Caterham

I played Sebastian in this was mixed age youth production of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night.

This was a challenging role as I was the youngest actor in the group, and it was first Shakespearian role and I had multiple monologues. However, I delivered every line well and received wonderful feedback for my performance.

July 2018

Grimm Tales

The Miller Centre, Caterham

This play was my introduction to the world of acting and inspired me to persevere through all these years.

I played multiple small parts in this production by The Miller Centre Young Players.